What informs and inspires artists? Finding inspiration from other sources is a natural part of the artistic process. Many people struggle with how and where to find it. In this unit, students will learn how to find inspiration from various sources and how do apply that inspiration to make their own unique works of ceramic art. Students will also learn about how to find inspiration from artists without copying.
What informs and inspires artists? Finding inspiration from other sources is a natural part of the artistic process. Many people struggle with how and where to find it. In this unit, students will learn how to find inspiration from various sources and how do apply that inspiration to make their own unique works of ceramic art. Students will also learn about how to find inspiration from artists without copying.
- I have selected a minimum of 5 artists that I can use as inspiration for my project and have explained why I find them inspiring
- I have explained the inspiration behind my artwork.
- I have developed and sketched an idea for my project.
- I have created a creation plan based on the ceramic techniques that I have already learned
- I have created a unique artwork that is inspired by my own reflections and the artwork of others
- I have reflected on my artistic process to create an artist statement for my artwork
What, why, and reflection- 5 points
Artist Search - 5 points
Project proposal - 5 points
In Bisque - 5 points
In Glaze - 5 points
Self- 25 points
Artist Statement - 5 points
Total Points: 60
What, why, and reflection- 5 points
Artist Search - 5 points
Project proposal - 5 points
In Bisque - 5 points
In Glaze - 5 points
Self- 25 points
Artist Statement - 5 points
Total Points: 60